2024 Term 1 Week 8
Attendance goal 95% or above
Date Claimers
Principal's Report
Prep - 4 News - Mrs Packenham and Ms Fisher
Year 4-6 News - Mrs Mac and Ms Fisher
Music - Ms Graham
Instrumental - Mr Adam Smith
Student Council
Awards Week 7 & 8
Harlin SS P&C
Guitar with Mr Bruce McDade
Junior golf
Free Kindy
STEM Opportunity
Community Events
Attendance goal 95% or above
Currently 89.6 %
Date Claimers
Term 1 Student/Parent/Teacher Catch-ups
Mon. 18 Mar. Shane Lampard SRC Pest Management Officer (5-6 class)
Wed. 20 Mar. P&C agm & General Meeting 3.30 pm
Easter-hat making (send along a hat and decorations please)
Thurs. 28 Mar. Easter Hat Parade 9 am
Cross Country 9.45 am
Pizza Lunch 11.30 approx.
Term 2
Fri. 19 April Qualifiers (run all of our course and are competitive) from HSS Cross Country to compete in the Cluster Cross Country at Toogoolawah State High School.
Mon. 22 April TSHS Year 7 enrolment interviews
Wed. 24 April ANZAC School Service
Thurs. 25 April ANZAC Day Toogoolawah March to Cenotaph
Mon. 29 April Australia Zoo Excursion
Principal's Report
Dear School Community
NAPLAN has concluded and we now concentrate our efforts of summative tasks for Term 1. Well done to Year 3 and 5 students who breezed through the tasks of on-line testing. We hope to receive data promptly to assist with our curriculum planning. You will have received an invitation to attend a meeting to share in your child's journey this term. We would feel our hard work and dedication appreciated with 15 minutes of your time and look forward to having a high percentage of parents/carers attend. Thanks to parents/carers who have already met with teachers. There has been some insightful sharing of ideas, approaches and goals for Term 2.
I please ask for consideration when we send texts to check on the whereabouts of your child. Unfortunately, some of our very precious administration time is spent chasing reasons for absences. We require a reply as to the whereabouts of your child for every day of absence and the reason for the absence/s. This is a Departmental requirement. We are not permitted to assume that an illness is continuing. Parents are able to use QParents to notify us and allow our time to be spent on teaching and learning. Thank you to parents who are prompt with absence reporting and are using this service. It is much appreciated.
We look forward to our community attending the Harlin State School Sports House Cross Country. Which Sporting House will reign supreme in our Inaugural event? There will be Age Champions from 10 -12 years and ribbons for 1st to 3rd in every age group. We have a new trophy to mark the inaugural event. Please bring a chair and if you have a shade shelter this would be welcome.
Easter Hat making will take place on Wednesday 27 of March, ready for wearing on the following day, the last day of school for Term 1. Please send along a hat to decorate and easter decorations. The Easter hat parade is at 9 am on Thursday 28 March, before Cross Country.
Year 6 students will have received a copy of the Police Legacy Child Safety Handbook. The book is a valuable tool for discussing safety topics and issues facing young adolescents. It reminds families of the importance of being aware of the dangers in our community and how to keep children safe.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Jo McCormick
Principal and class teacher.
Prep - 4 News - Mrs Packenham and Ms Fisher
We have started our Data unit for Maths. We took a survey of our preferred fruits and graphed our results. Banana turned out to be the most popular! This will also help us with our English work where we are identifying persuasive words to describe different foods.
The planets have aligned for us! We managed to identify all our inflatable planets and put them in the correct order from the Sun. What a job! P-2s have been investigating seasons and deciding what clothes are appropriate to each one. 3s and 4s have investigated shadows and how they change during the day. They recorded the lengths of shadows (ties in nicely to our Maths word too) and observed how the shadows moved over the course of the day.
TECHNOLOGY: How can we decrease our carbon footprint?
Year 4-6 News - Mrs Mac and Ms Fisher
Year 4-6 are now busy creating an oral presentation to sell their product to an audience. You may remember, Tim Shaw from Demtel, who has intriguiged our young audience with various selling techniques. The bonus steak knives were a hit.
Students may present in person or video. We have started Identifying number properties and sequencing whole numbers, fractions and decimals in Year 6 and Counting patterns and finding unknown quantities in Year 5. Sir Henry Parkes dominated our discussion in HASS in regards to Federation of the Nation, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Constitution and the Magna Carta.
We have an expert visiting from the Somerset Regional Council, to discuss our weed eradication methods and the local council programs. Mr Shane Lampard will visit on Monday afternoon.
5-6 science
Space exploration is expensive but has given us here on Earth technologies that make our lives better. Students have been exploring what technologies we have at home and in the community that have developed because of space exploration.
Music - Ms Graham
Instrumental - Mr Adam Smith
“There were some very fined E’s, D’s and C’s from our beginner Trumpet and Clarinets today in Instrumental music. As well as that, Tilly blew some awesome low notes on the Trombone way down to Ab and G. Penelope has remembered her A’s, B’s and C’s on her saxophone and even was playing some solid D’s. Well done Blake on your very strong and accurate “Advance Australia Fair”. We are all going to try and learn this anthem so maybe we can play it on parade in the future.”
Student Council
Student Council News Term 1 Week 8
Feel free to leave your bags by the bin near the front gate or pop in and say hi to Ollie, Brax and Reece who are looking after our containers this year. Our containers will be picked up before the school holidays.
A huge thank you to Mrs Blackmore who pops in regularly to help water and pot up plants.
Searles called in and donated 3 bags of potting mix which will boost or profits. Thankyou Katie for making this happen.
We have enough money to install the water cooler and now have an electrician and plumber booked in to get it done.
On Wednesday 20th of March we will have our Crazy Sock Day. This will be a gold coin donation with proceeds going to more resources for all students.
Zooper Doopers and popcorn roster for the last few weeks of term 1.
Together we are doing great things.
Brax, Hayley, Reece, Bridi, Ollie, April and Jasmine.
Awards Week 7 & 8
Congratulations to Students of the Week :
Week 7: Tilly and Charlie
Week 8: Alex and Reece
Congratulations to PBL Students of the Week :
PBL Week 7 : Oscar
PBL Week 8 : Brax
Harlin SS P&C
Annual General Meeting and a general meeting this Wednesday, 2o March at 3.30 pm in the library.
Pizza order forms for the last day of school due Friday 22 March.
Guitar with Mr Bruce McDade
Junior golf
Free Kindy