2024 Term 2 Week 4
Attendance goal: 95% or above
Date Claimers
Principal's Report
Prep - 4 News - Mrs Packenham and Ms Fisher
Year 4-6 News - Mrs Mac and Ms Fisher
Student Welbeing Social Worker
Do It For Dolly - $39 raised by HSS
Awards Week 9
Zone Cross Country
TSHS Open Day June 4
Harlin SS P&C
Winter uniform
Mothers Day Craft with Mrs Blackmore, Mrs Wendt and Mrs Blacklock
Australia Zoo
Schoolzine App Code is 8745
Casual groundsperson vacancy
Attendance goal: 95% or above
Currently 89%
Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Resilient and Be Here!
Date Claimers
Term 2
14/15 May Mrs Mac in Toowoomba (Ms Fisher OIC)
Wed. 15 May Gecko Wildlife - school visit 2 pm
Wed. 22 May BLAZER the fire safety Koala - vist at 2pm.
Wed. May 29 Pet Day
Mon. 3 June White t-shirt for tie-die Black t-shirt due for Father's Day
Thurs. 4 June TSHS Open Day ( Yr 6)
Steiner School Overnight Stay
Wed. 5 June Student Council Pyjama Day and PBL Shop
Sat. 8 June Instrumental Band Performance 10.15 am Toogoolawah Show
Mon. 10 June High Jump 10-12 years comp. for HSS Athletics Day 1.15- 3 pm
Wed. 12 June Readers Cup (Fernvale) P-2 Picnic in The Woods (Ipswich)
Thurs. 13 June H.S.S Athletics Carnival - Dingoes vs Roos
Wed. 19 June NAIDOC Celebration TSS
Thurs. 20 June Athletics Qualifiers to Toogoolawah SS - Cluster Competition
Fri. 21 June End of term
Principal's Report
Dear School Community
This Sunday we celebrate all that is wonderful about our mothers, carers, and grandmothers. We have been blessed with three lovely ladies who have imparted their knowledge, expertise and love for all of our children at Harlin State School in the past few weeks. We thank Mrs Blackmore, Mrs Wendt and Mrs Blacklock for their selfless dedication to helping the mums and carers of students feel appreciated on Sunday. We hope you enjoy your special gift and the wonderful bouquet of flowers, and once again thanks to our P&C mums for making the trip to the Rocklea Flower Markets, providing the chocolates and putting together the bouquets.
We had three students participate in Zone Cross Country trials at Gatton, last Friday. Penny, Hayley and Reece are our first representatives to enter a Lockyer Zone competition. We joined the Lockyer Zone this year and are looking forward to many more opportunities for our students to further their sporting prowess. Best of luck to Penny, who moves on to the next level of competition in Toowoomba on Tuesday. Thank you to parents who have made the commitment to transport students to these events. The Brisbane Valley Cluster also won the Aggregate Trophy for the first time. We will have the trophy on display soon.
Next week we mark half way of term 2. Please be reminded that 95% attendance ensures a solid end to the term and the ability to demonstrate the best level of understanding, ready for report cards.
The excursion to Australia Zoo was a hit! It was a wonderful full day of investigation and we could have spent an extra hour retracing some of our steps. We thank our P&C once again for the subsidy towards the bus cost. We now use our experiences to work on science and english tasks.
Today, we remembered Dolly Everett with 'Do It for Dolly Day'. The old adage of 'Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me'' is very untrue for many children. Students have watched various presentations and discussed 'accepting others' in our PBL lesson focus for week 5 & 6 this morning. 'Do it for Dolly Day is a reminder to be careful about our spoken words and look out for signs that children are in need of support from bullying.
Please look for the Pet Day schedule and requirements for Wednesday 29 May that will be sent home next week.
Have a great weekend and spoil your mum!
Mrs Jo McCormick
Principal and class teacher.
Fabulous HSS mums!
Prep - 4 News - Mrs Packenham and Ms Fisher
The highlight of the past fortnight was the Australia Zoo excursion! During the excursion, we practised reading maps and using directional language which we have been learning about in Maths. It was exciting to practise our maths skills in the ‘real world’. Visiting the zoo allowed students to make connections with our current Science unit and students were very keen to discuss the animals and their constructed habitats as we moved around the zoo. We had the best day!
The Prep-2s had lots of fun with the recent Year 1 Maths assessment on location and direction! Students took turns to be blindfolded and followed either Mrs Packenham’s or a peer’s directions to move through the tennis court without touching cones, markers or hoops. It sounded easy until the students realised that they couldn’t point or say ‘this way’ or ‘over here’. The Year 3s and 4s repeated the activity for fun at playtime!
On behalf of Mrs Bell, thank you to the families who sent in photos for Health. The students enjoyed sharing the photos and discussing the safety aspects.
Fine motor skills
Farm safety
Year 4-6 News - Mrs Mac and Ms Fisher
Students have investigated text structures and language features, noting similarities and differences in the term 1 task. We now head towards understanding the features of a webpage and then students will start compiling and then editing the required content.
In maths, year 6 students have created an itinerary for a camp to Bargara, using the train from Brisbane. Activities needed to be included and required the use of 24-hour time. Transportation to and from events was a key feature, noting the opening times of various activities and displays. Year 5 are also studying 24-hour time and calculating time elapsed, the duration of activities, and negotiating flight times. Both year levels will be completing assessment for this unit next week.
Students are collecting more data on the health of the Maronghi Creek waterway. Our findings suggest the health of the creek is very good. The data from both Weed Warriors and Curious Creek Critters will be used to compile an Excel spreadsheet with info-graphics.
Curious Creek Critters
Student Welbeing Social Worker
Hello, my name is Jill Boucher, and I am the Student Wellbeing Social Worker at Harlin State School once a fortnight on a Thursday next day I visi9t is 23rd May 2024.
What is the Student Wellbeing program?
It is an initiative that sees Social Workers employed in schools to provide emotional support, counselling and skill building with children.
What can a Student Wellbeing Social Worker do?
A Student Wellbeing Social Worker can work with children who experience social and emotional challenges that might interfere with their learning in the classroom or their relationships at school.
Some common issues I see include anxiety, self-esteem issues, fears, relationship challenges, difficulties with managing emotions, low mood (sadness) or any issue that might be causing a student distress or problems. Our goal is to help students (and families) create fulfilling and rich lives for themselves, now and in the future.
How can you arrange to see me?
If your child would like to see me, or you think it would be helpful, please speak with the principal or leadership team regarding making a referral. Once I’ve received this, I will then reach out to you and your child to make an appointment time.
Do It For Dolly - $39 raised by HSS
Awards Week 9
Congratulations to Students of the Week :
Week 3: Henrietta & Jacob
Week 4: Penelope & Cleo
Congratulations to PBL Student of the Week :
Week 3: Blake
Week 4: Kacey
Week 3
Week 4
Zone Cross Country
Congratulations to Penny, Reece and Hayley as our first ever representatives in the recent Zone Cross Country at Gatton, representing the Brisbane Valley Cluster. Good luck to Penny who will compete at the Darling Downs Cross Country next week. Penny will represent the Lockyer Zone and is our first ever HSS representative.
TSHS Open Day June 4
Harlin SS P&C
Happy Mothers Day to all our beautiful mums! This year we trying something different from our usual Mothers Day stall & we held a flower stall for the students to build a bouquet for Mum, Grandma or someone special in there lives. Hopefully, this has been a nice change & the kids enjoyed it. I am open to any feedback.
Thank you very much to all involved helping to make it happen.
Our executive committee has had a slight change up & we would like to now welcome Angela Devlin as our President & Lisa Bechly as our new Treasurer.
We are still needing to fill the position of Vice President, if you think this is a job you may be able to do please put your hand up.
The P&C do a lot for our little school & make a lot of things possible for our students. If you can help out in any way possible please don’t be shy.
Our next meeting will be held in the library on the 12th of June at 3:30pm.
Hope to see you there.
Emily Champ
Winter uniform
As the weather changes and students require warmer clothing, please see below for a reminder of our school winter uniform.
Plain black tracksuit pants and top, fleece or jumper (no hood)
Plain black leggings
Plain black pants
Please label all clothing with your child's name.
Mothers Day Craft with Mrs Blackmore, Mrs Wendt and Mrs Blacklock
Australia Zoo
Schoolzine App Code is 8745
Casual groundsperson vacancy